Results: Fast and simple
We use FinishLynx cameras and software paired with Athletic Live Results to produce precise and fast results. Results are live and easily viewable online by distributing a link to coaches and spectators. Our team brings a large QR code that can be scanned from the stands to access the online scoring, though we always recommend distributing the link as widely as possible. Team scores are automatically updated at the completion of each event. There is also a live scoreboard showing the event in progress that displays the athletes in the heat/event, running clock, and the finishers as are scored by in FinishLynx.
FinishLynx Photo-Finish Timing Software
FinishLynx is the world’s most popular and powerful digital photo-finish and sports timing software. FinishLynx is used from small middle school events to the Olympics. When combined with an EtherLynx photo-finish camera, FinishLynx produces time-stamped results images (accurate to .001 or greater) for world-class fully automatic timing. The FinishLynx software also allows users to interface with an endless combination of cameras, scoreboards, and other 3rd-party accessories to create a powerful and secure results network from behind a laptop.
How does it work?
FinishLynx photo-finish timing software differs from other types of results technology because it powers a full range of EtherLynx line-scan cameras to produce true fully automatic timing (F.A.T.) results accurate to 1/1000th of a second or more. Now that F.A.T. is required by a growing number of national and international athletic organizations (IAAF, USATF, etc.), we’ve had more and more clubs and federations from across the globe adopting FinishLynx fully automatic timing technology for their race needs.
A line-scan image is comprised of a series of incredibly thin individual pictures of the finish line, and whatever happens to be crossing it, placed one after another. As more and more vertical images are pieced together side-by-side inside of FinishLynx, the picture begins to take shape.
IdentiLynx+ 720p Race Timing Video Camera
The IdentiLynx+ video race timing camera is an Ethernet-based digital video camera that captures full-frame, head-on video from the finish line. The camera integrates this video with your photo-finish captures inside of the FinishLynx software. IdentiLynx+ video is time-synchronized with the FinishLynx capture so you can click anywhere on an image and watch the head-on video jump to precisely the same moment; this allows for easy athlete identification using bib numbers or team affiliation.
MicroTab LED Clock
The MicroTab LED clock works in sync with the FinishLynx system to show you the time of the current race or display messages.
RadioLynx Wireless Start
The RadioLynx Wireless Start System replaces the 500’ start cable and allows operators to move more freely about the track. The system transmits the start signal using a wireless transmitter and receiver and integrates seamlessly with FinishLynx. It is extremely accurate—with precision greater than ±0.4 thousandths of a second. And thanks to built-in redundancy transmission, the wireless signal is reliable even in the event of a severe disturbance.